Monday, March 31, 2008


happy anniversary: fortune cookie
Originally uploaded by
jek in the box.

Saturday night, we had dinner at one of our favorite spots, Yang's Cafe. It's one of the few Asian restaurants in town that serves Korean dishes. After sharing broccoli beef, bulgogi, and kimchee, Evan and I cracked open our fortune cookies. Brian doesn't care for the cookies, or maybe it's the fortunes he's avoiding. Anyway, my fortune read:

Traveling this year will bring your life into greater perspective.

I mailed my application for the Korean summer teaching program to MU on Thursday. And my passport arrived in the mail that same day, just three weeks after sending in my renewal application. I don't want to assume this is a sign, but . . .

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Last week, I learned about an opportunity for MU students to apply for a month-long program teaching English to elementary and middle school students at a summer camp in South Korea. After confirming that applications would be accepted from MU distance education students as well as those on the Columbia campus, I've decided to apply. 24 MU students will be selected to pair up with a Korean English teacher for the summer teaching program, held at a summer camp located in Jeonnam Province (Jeollanam-do).

I've touched base with my school advisor, my work and practicum supervisors, and my family, but still need to get approval from my employer to take time off if I'm selected. My passport renewal application was mailed Saturday. I can't pass up the opportunity to travel to Korea, experience the people and culture of my son's birth country, and gain some useful instruction experience with young people.

Wish me luck!