Monday, October 13, 2008

Damyang dreams

I've returned home from my Korea teaching and travels nearly two months ago, yet I still dream almost every night about people and places from my time in Jeollanamdo. Can you feel homesick for a place where you spent a mere five weeks?

On August 19, I was so very ready to return to my family. But I was not ready to leave Korea. If I were in different place in my life (recent grad, young, single), I would have signed one of the year-long contracts the Jeollanamdo Provincial Office was offering to stay on and teach for the current school year. I think it speaks highly of the program and our employers that there were many of us who wished we could have stayed in Korea longer

So, since Korea and the people I met there are still on my mind, I'm going to continue to add a few posts and pictures to this blog, after the fact.

You won't mind, will you?

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